St Helens
St Helens Sport development team work to improve the lives of its residents through sport and physical activity, as well as offering a range of programmes to enhance physical and mental wellbeing.
The Active Through Football program will aim to engage the local community through exercise, provide opportunities to socialise and make new friendships. The programme’s goal is to make a real sustainable impact on the lives of the people in these communities and increase activity levels.
St Helens will work closely with local communities and football clubs to provide opportunities for adults to participate in fun activities.
These activities will be focused in Newton and Earlstown.
As well as Active Through Football, they offer a range of sport and physical activities, aimed at people of all ages across all local communities.
To keep up to date with our latest offerings, visit: or follow us on social media: @YouthSportsSTH & @SportsDevSTH
Current sessions:
No sessions currently.